Cora Ball FAQ's

Who is the Cora Ball for?

Those who use a washing machine. Whether it is a front loader or top loader, you can use a Cora Ball. 

Where to purchase a Cora Ball?

In New Zealand, you can get your Cora Ball from CaliWoods here.

Can I wash my delicates with it?

Delicates are NOT recommended to be washed with a Cora Ball. This is because the Cora Ball can catch and damage delicate fabrics (knits, tassels, lace etc). These delicate items do not produce as much microfibre as other fabrics. 

What Research Has Been Done?

Dr. Chelsea Rochman’s lab investigated the effectiveness of the Cora ball at the University of Toronto. It was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Marine Pollution Bulletin. The article is behind a paywall, but you access the research article summary here

Findings summary: An effective solution for Microfibre catching is the Cora Ball. Their words - “These results suggest that these two technologies added to washing machines [Cora Ball and the Lint Luv-R] could be an effective way to reduce microfibre emissions to the environment. While further investigations are needed to understand the relative contributions of microfibres from other textile products and their pathways to the environment, we know that textiles laundered in washing machines are one source of microfibres and that effective mitigation tools currently exist.” 

You can also access the Forbes summary on Cora Balls here 

How many Cora Balls are needed?

One Cora Ball is adequate for most families. If you are doing large, regular loads you can use up to 3.

Percentage of fibre it collects?

A University of Toronto paper found that, 26% of the microfibres per load are caught from the Cora Ball. Several factors determine the effectiveness, such as, fabrics in the load, pet hair included in the wash, and wash settings/frequency. 

Are fibres that are collected visible?

Depending on the fabrics, more synthetic fabrics usually make microfibres more visible in the Cora Ball, but not every load will show much. Sometimes it may take multiple loads for enough microfibre to accumulate in the ball to be able to untangle and remove.

How does it work to catch microfibres?

A fuzz ball is made from the microfibres tangled collected, which the Cora Ball catches. 

Does it need cleaning after every wash?

We suggest you only need to clean when the ball needs fibres removed. You can move the stalks around to free away the tangles. No need to clean after every load.

Where do I put the fibres?

At this stage, the most responsible option is to put the fibres in the landfill, like dryer lint. No recycling option is available at the moment for laundry lint, however teams are working hard to find an alternative to landfills and upcycle the fibres. This is still preventing fibres from entering the ocean and waterways. 

What is the Cora Ball made from?

100% recycled soft and stretchy plastic has been used to make Cora Balls, for which they are 100% recyclable. They are made to integrity and quality in both residential and commercial washers and dryers.

What is the lifetime of Cora Balls?

The material used is designed to last a long time, not just for a short few years. 

Do Cora Balls release microfibres themselves?

Design Strategies prevent the Cora Ball from causing microfibres themselves; 

  • Shape: smooth rings on outside which contacts clothes

  • Material: soft and stretchy material- to be kind on clothes 

  • Motion: Moving with your clothes, the Cora Ball does not thump into them.

Delicate items do have the ability to get in contact with the stalks, which is why we recommend not washing your delicates with your Cora Ball, or placed in a delicates bag. 

Can the Cora Ball go in the dryer?

The material of the Cora Ball will be absolutely fine with heat if you accidentally toss your Cora Ball in the dryer with your washing. 


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