Hibernation Series 4 of 5: Minimise, Make and Mend

- 2 Minute Read -
When you feel a burst of motivation or restlessness, using the time you have during Levels 3 and 4 to do those things we 'never have time to do' can be really positive.
In this post we give you 3 easy tips to get your space looking beautiful and mind clear. We promise you'll come out the other end with some positive habits that are good for you, your bubble and Mama Earth. Let's dig in...
TIP ONE. Minimise
Clearing your space will give you a cleaner, calmer environment to enjoy during lockdown and beyond! It will allow you to figure out the things that you actually use and help you create good buying habits. Once your space is clear you will really about the things that you bring back into your home!
Plus, it has been proven that minimising and decluttering your life helps reduce anxiety, improves sleep and relaxation. Sign me up!
Quick Tips To Minimise:
- Start with one area. This does not have to be the area you resent the most. Consider where you would like to spend or do spend most of your time, let's work on this area first. For most this is the living room or bedroom.
- Make a box with give on it. Everyday find at least one thing that you haven't used in the last 2 years and pop it in your give box. It is no longer useful in your life and the clutter could even be harming you in some way.
- Assign time. Commit to just 15-25 minutes a day, 6 days a week to work on one area. Be absolutely strict with yourself with this - small steps, big gains.
- Consider versatile items. What can be utilised for many functions in your household? For example, I can use my Tumblers for not only on the go, but at home for smoothies, coffee, lemon water, container for left overs and even a flower vase!
Quick Tips For Post Minimising *This is the most important part!
- Now that everything is tidy and your space is feeling clear, have you got good boundaries for post lockdown?
- We love the '1 week to think about it' rule where you need to think about the purchase for at least one week. This stops impulse buys and ensures that everything you are bringing into your life has a true purpose.
TWO. Make
Make some things! Using what you have and making useful (or yummy!) things is super cool and has great eco cred. Not only does the finished product have far more value than a purchased product, but the crafty process is fun and great for healthy mindsets during lockdown. Not to mention they can keep kids occupied.
DIY tips we love:
- Crochet macrame hangers for your plants
- Wooden shelving, bed frames and coffee tables from recycled pallets
- Office Organisation - especially when working at home it is important to hide work after 5pm. By storing away work gear in cupboard, in boxes or with a throw eases the mind so you can enjoy your evenings.
- Wall art - frames, pressed flowers, hanging pictures with Stainless Pegs and brown string.
- Hanging hooks for coats (inspo here) and shoe racks (inspo here).
- Use jars and Stainless Pegs to organise your office - for pens, earphones, scissors, paper clips and one for extras
- Baking and getting crafty in the kitchen with low waste meals. Check our 'Lockdown Healthy, Low Waste Food Guide' here for a few ideas to get you started.
Let's take a step back to our grandparents era where clothing was repaired or repurposed to continued to be loved for years.
The not so beautiful side of fast fashion has revealed unsafe working conditions, unsustainable fabrics and huge waste production. Synthetic fabrics are contributing to ocean pollution from tiny pieces of plastics, or micro-plastics, being released during the wash. If you're interested, read more about this here.
DIY tips we love for saying #notofastfashion
- Simple hand sewing techniques for holes, tears, adding length or undoing a seam - see here.
- Up-cycling duvet covers into cushion Covers, draw string bags and bunting (great for kids bedrooms and party decorations)- see here.
- Repainting dressers, tables or furniture to give it another life. Sanding it back is a useful tip which gives it the boho look too!
- Creating a mosaic design with broken crockery or china. Mosaics on tiles make great stepping stones, onto material makes place mats or bring back to life an old frame with a mosaic design.
Seek long-lasting, durable options when something needs replacing. From our collection we are loving Stainless Safety Razors, Stainless Pegs and Hot & Cold Tumblers at the moment.
CaliWoods Final Tips for a Decluttered Space and Mind:
- Make your bed as soon as you get out of it
- Go to bed with the dishes done and kitchen clean
- Think about your post-lockdown purchases carefully - now is the time to set great habits that are good for your, your wallet and the planet.